Fighting Fear with God, facts, and effective treatments

Millions Against Medical Mandates (MAMM) is now the most censored medical freedom organization on social media.

Learn More about Fighting Fear with God, facts, and effective treatments

The Art of Media Manipulation

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, as a case study to examine just a handful of commonly used media manipulation techniques.

Learn More about The Art of Media Manipulation

A Crash Course on Masks

Enjoy this short video on the issue of masks.

Learn More about A Crash Course on Masks

Student Rights and New School Requirements

Everyday there are more news stories about schools and universities requiring the COVID-19 injection for enrollment and attendance. A key issue with the requirement of any vaccine or shot is the lack of liability. Often, employers don’t realize that pharmaceutical companies have been given immunity from liability for these medical interventions. The NCVIA (National Childhood…

Learn More about Student Rights and New School Requirements

Employee Rights and New Work Requirements

This employee form is a great way to begin discussions with employers about any new health requirements your business may be enforcing. It can be used to educate them and advocate for yourself.

Learn More about Employee Rights and New Work Requirements

COVID Safe Practices

What are safe practices for COVID?

Learn More about COVID Safe Practices

A Crash Course on the COVID Vaccine

Here’s a video sharing some important information on the COVID shot.

Learn More about A Crash Course on the COVID Vaccine

COVID Vaccine on Trial: If you only knew

Listen to this conversation about the COVID shot.

Learn More about COVID Vaccine on Trial: If you only knew

Mask Dilemma

Masks were introduced as a solution for COVID, but is that truly the case?

Learn More about Mask Dilemma

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