CHSS Edited

Welcome to the Children's Health Solutions Series

 There has been an explosion of chronic illnesses affecting our children over the past 30 years and solutions are scarce.  Addressing the vast, unmet need for good scientifically-based, practical, affordable and in many cases natural approaches for helping prevent and reverse these conditions is what this series is all about.
  What is unique about the Children’s Health Solutions Series is: we focus on one health condition per episode and tap into the expertise of renowned pediatricians who are well versed in that specific illness to explain and explore common sense solutions and treatments to help children affected by that particular condition.
  Parents, teachers, therapists, pediatricians and practitioners who work with children will benefit from these educational, enlightening and inspiring discussions.
  Our kids can’t wait for government agencies or the official medical organizations to figure these strategies out.  We have safe and effective solutions now and CHSS makes sure they are coming to you from trusted sources.
  Sign up for the MAM newsletter to be the first to hear about new CHSS episodes and then encourage others to do the same!
  Together we can help our kids be healthy and happy again…as it should be!

Introduction To CHSS

Episode 1: Children's Anxiety

Anxiety has always been a part of our children’s lives. However, since COVID with its school closures, lockdowns, masking, mandates, and social isolation, along with increasing violence appearing on TV and in video games, plus visual depictions of war and worldwide natural disasters, it should come as no surprise that anxiety levels in children have skyrocketed.

This episode features the brilliant and naturally-oriented pediatrician Elizabeth Mumper, MD, Centner Academy Founder and Director, Leila Centner, and Maureen McDonnell, a pediatric holistic nurse for more than 40 years.

Parents, teachers, therapists, and practitioners who work with children will benefit from listening to this discussion regarding practical, affordable, and natural solutions for helping children with anxiety transform into happier, healthier, and more balanced kids.

Watch either on Rumble or Substack!

Children's Health Solutions Series Episode 1: Childhood Anxiety by MAM

Read on Substack

Episode 2: Autism 

 Now we turn our spotlight on Autism and bring to the forefront one of the world‘s leading naturally oriented pediatrician to explain underlying causes, and practical approaches for optimizing the health, behavior, and well-being of children on the autism spectrum
  Please join our cohost Leila Centner & long time pediatric nurse MM as they explore with Dr Elizabeth Mumper answers, solutions & guidelines for improving  the health, behavior & wellbeing of children on the Autism Spectrum.
  This episode launches February 2025. Check out the preview and sign up for the MAM email list to be notified when the CHSS Episode 2 on Autism is released!

Introduction To Episode 2 of CHSS: Autism


What Can Be Done To Prevent Autism- Article written by Maura McDonnell

  • Jenny McCarthy, and Jerry Kartzinel

  • “Cause unknown” —death humor

  • Autism not connected to vaccines, says CDC -

  • Peter McCullough, MD, MPH — Autism transgender and more relationship

  • Ginger Taylor‘s listing of 232 abstracts from research papers supporting the vaccine Autism causation

  • Siri and Glimstad

  • Vaccine Shedding Article

  • The Tenpenny Research Library

  • RFK,Jr- data base proof from biggest data base source in the country known as the “Vaccine Safety Data Link.” It’s the vaccination records from the top 10 HMO‘s on millions of clients.