Are Parental Rights Becoming Illegal?

Are Parental Rights Becoming Illegal?
By Laraine Abbey-Katzev,
Member of the Millions Against Mandates Collaborative Communication Committee
This ‘destruction of parental rights bill’ proposed in the New York state legislature is FRIGHTENING!
On his Substack platform, my colleague, Curtis Cost, featuring long time health activist, John Gilmore and others via a Zoom call, presents the grave concerns with this bill. Here’s a link to view it.
Here’s the gist of it. This NY state assembly bill A6761 is heralding a Marxist/communist state takeover of our children. If you’re not living in NY you may wonder, “Why should I care?” Here’s why: If this bill passes into law in NY, it will be introduced in California and then throughout the rest of the United States. The bill misrepresents, (actually, bold-faced lies) in its title and summary, saying it applies only to homeless youth, but reading the bill makes clear that the intended law is for ALL youth of any age.
As Curtis explained, “This would mean that a child of any age…could make their own decisions about taking drugs including vaccines as well as surgeries which could include sex change operations without their parent’s knowledge or consent.”
Passing such bills may result in parents being unaware of side effects or other adverse reactions from their minor’s consented health treatments or counseling, with parents still being legally responsible for the care of the child but without the necessary information to ensure proper or potentially life-saving care.
Not only will parents lose rights over their minor children from such bills, but their children can easily be shoveled into Child Protective Services (CPS), which has become highly corrupted with trafficking of children for sexual and other unsavory purposes.
As Curtis states:
“Parental Medical Rights Are Under Attack!
This could become law in New York State in just a few months! It is time for all hands on deck, if we are going to stop this!
Step one: watch this video presentation.
Step two: share this video with everyone and help make this go viral! We absolutely need to get the word out on a large scale. They could only get away with this if most people know nothing about it!
Step three: join our efforts by following the links provided in the report.
Curtis Cost’s Substack”
Watch his video via either of these links:
If you wish to read the actual bill, here is a link to the text:
Laraine C. Abbey-Katzev, is a Registered Nurse (retired) and Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) with a Master’s-Degree in Biology/Clinical Nutrition who maintained a private practice, developed health and weight control programs, nutritional products, and was a featured newspaper columnist for health and nutrition articles. Formerly a psychiatric Head Nurse, Laraine earned the Huxley Institute Certificate in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice and her successful Orthomolecular treatment of Agoraphobia/Panic Disorder through diet and nutrient supplements, was featured in many magazine articles and books.
She currently serves on the Steering and Collaborative Communication Committee of