The Fertility Conversation and COVID in Teens

The Doctors continue the discussion around fertility and menstrual conversations we’re seeing. They also dive into COVID risk in young teens and the availability of the vaccine.

Learn More about The Fertility Conversation and COVID in Teens

COVID Shot Outcomes

What are the outcomes of the COVID shot?

Learn More about COVID Shot Outcomes

COVID Safe Practices

What are safe practices for COVID?

Learn More about COVID Safe Practices

A Crash Course on the COVID Vaccine

Here’s a video sharing some important information on the COVID shot.

Learn More about A Crash Course on the COVID Vaccine

COVID Vaccine on Trial: If you only knew

Listen to this conversation about the COVID shot.

Learn More about COVID Vaccine on Trial: If you only knew

What 3 Medical Truth Tellers Endured

In this interview, you will hear the reasons why three medical professionals (Dr. Andrew Wakefield, pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, and RN Janet Presson) each became the targets of witch hunts. They’ll share what they learned from their experiences and advice they have for other medical truth-tellers.

Learn More about What 3 Medical Truth Tellers Endured

The Politicization of COVID

COVID has been promoted as a health emergency that affects humanity. Why has this become a political issue?

Learn More about The Politicization of COVID

Bad Medicine

What is bad medicine? It is both the use of medical interventions that cause more harm than good as well as the failure to use helpful interventions.

Learn More about Bad Medicine

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