Millions Against Medical Mandates collaborates with many experts and activists to create articles to educate, empower and encourage the millions.

Employee Rights and New Work Requirements

This employee form is a great way to begin discussions with employers about any new health requirements your business may be enforcing. It can be used to educate them and advocate for yourself.

Learn More about Employee Rights and New Work Requirements

Treatments, Did You Know?

Treatments are an important part of overcoming illness.

Learn More about Treatments, Did You Know?

Mask Dilemma

Masks were introduced as a solution for COVID, but is that truly the case?

Learn More about Mask Dilemma

Fauci’s Track Record

What is Fauci’s track record?

Learn More about Fauci’s Track Record

The Politicization of COVID

COVID has been promoted as a health emergency that affects humanity. Why has this become a political issue?

Learn More about The Politicization of COVID

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