Millions Against Medical Mandates collaborates with many experts and activists to create articles to educate, empower and encourage the millions.
Thoughts On Covid A New Series from Dr. Richard Moskowitz
Thoughts On Covid A New Series from Dr. Richard Moskowitz An article from Age of Autism As we approach the 4th anniversary of “Two weeks to flatten the curve,” we’re honored to present Dr. Richard Moskowitz’s insightful thoughts on the errors of the Covid era. Richard Moskowitz, MD, is a family physician who received his BA from Harvard,…
Are Parental Rights Becoming Illegal?
Are Parental Rights Becoming Illegal? By Laraine Abbey-Katzev, Member of the Millions Against Mandates Collaborative Communication Committee This ‘destruction of parental rights bill’ proposed in the New York state legislature is FRIGHTENING! On his Substack platform, my colleague, Curtis Cost, featuring long time health activist, John Gilmore and others via a Zoom call, presents…
Vaccines- Where Do We Go From Here?
You are not alone as millions of people, including some who never considered themselves anti-vaxxers, are wondering about “safety and efficacy.” A deep mistrust in the CDC and other agencies has been created after their misinformation and lack of transparency.
Are Covid Boosters Beneficial for Long Covid Patients?
Are Covid boosters beneficial for Long Covid patients? By Amy Gordon, Co-Director of Millions Against Medical Mandates According to Yahoo Finance, 22 million U.S. adults (including my husband and those with vaccine injury) are living with Long Covid Syndrome. They are on multiple Facebook groups to exchange information, treatments protocols and support for their symptoms/issues. And they have…
How Medicine Fails to Protect Children’s Health from Chronic Disease
How Medicine Fails to Protect Children’s Health from Chronic Disease Article written by Nate Doromal How Medicine’s Ignorance of the Role of Environmental Toxins in Children’s Health Signals the Need for Greater Reform Attention parents, family members, and concerned citizens! Children’s health is getting worse. And it has been doing so for decades. While the…
Women’s Menstrual Anomalies Lead to Massive Research Study
Background Spring of 2021 ignited a conversation on social media. Thousands of women were experiencing dramatic changes in their menstrual cycle and sharing those traumatic experiences. The conversation launched a myriad of profiles and Facebook groups where women shared personal stories of their strange irregularities. After a Facebook group containing over 20k members and testimonies…
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