‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 129: Building Collaboration – Why It’s Imperative

Tune in to this episode of “Good Morning CHD” to hear a conversation on unity and collaboration with today’s guest, Christiane Northrup. The power of humans working together can make great change, if used for good. Despite the obstacles, those standing up for truth have seen the impact of seeking community to solve problems and bring back humanity to our broken culture. Viewers, don’t miss these powerful stories and encouraging solutions!

Learn More about ‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 129: Building Collaboration – Why It’s Imperative

How Medicine Fails to Protect Children’s Health from Chronic Disease

How Medicine Fails to Protect Children’s Health from Chronic Disease Article written by Nate Doromal How Medicine’s Ignorance of the Role of Environmental Toxins in Children’s Health Signals the Need for Greater Reform Attention parents, family members, and concerned citizens! Children’s health is getting worse. And it has been doing so for decades. While the…

Learn More about How Medicine Fails to Protect Children’s Health from Chronic Disease

Revelations with Dr. Rima

Dr. Rima Laibow is one of the most knowledgeable MD psychiatrists when it comes to understanding the deep layers of corruption and psychopathic behavior that led to the chaotic state of affairs we are currently experiencing.

Learn More about Revelations with Dr. Rima

Best COVID Knowledge

Best Knowledge All Things COVID Many wonderful organizations and brilliant medical professionals have richly contributed to the body of knowledge we presently have on many aspects of Covid-19 prevention and treatment. While it is impossible to provide a total compendium of all that is out there, within is a comprehensive list of links to some…

Learn More about Best COVID Knowledge

How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Michelle Perro

Don’t miss this amazing conversation between Dr. Mercola and Dr. Michelle Perro about protecting yourself from COVID jab injury.

Learn More about How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Michelle Perro

The Healing Power of Nutrition with Laraine Abbey-Katzev

Maureen and Laraine share encouraging first-hand accounts of miraculous healing they’ve witnessed when children and adults take targeted action to improve their nutrition.

Learn More about The Healing Power of Nutrition with Laraine Abbey-Katzev

Creating Collaboration Through Community with Maureen McDonnell

In this special episode of Fiercely Pursuing the Truth, Melanie Williams interviews the founder of Millions Against Medical Mandates, Maureen McDonnell, BSN. Maureen gives insight into the reason MAMM was formed- to build collaborate in the health, freedom and vaccine risk aware movement.

Learn More about Creating Collaboration Through Community with Maureen McDonnell

Legally Defeat Local Mandates with Attorney Lakota Denton

Maureen McDonnell interviewed lawyer Lakota Denton. Lakota Denton is an Asheville-based attorney specializing in personal injury litigation. He chooses cases where he can help people advocate for their rights.

Learn More about Legally Defeat Local Mandates with Attorney Lakota Denton

COVID Shot Updated Info

This post offers a series of links to content providing important information about the COVID shot.

Learn More about COVID Shot Updated Info

What we know now about the COVID shot

After two years of real-life data, we are no longer guessing about the issues with Covid-19 or the vaccines. We have the information. We have the numbers.

Learn More about What we know now about the COVID shot

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