Tea Time on CHD- The Many Facets of Loss
Maureen and her two “Tea Time” guests have lived through a lot. On this episode, they share their “Grandmother Wisdom” on emotional and physical health, lifespan and vital longevity, grounding and more. Listen to these “Sages of the Ages” now!
Tea Time on CHD- Grandmother Wisdom
Maureen and her two “Tea Time” guests have lived through a lot. On this episode, they share their “Grandmother Wisdom” on emotional and physical health, lifespan and vital longevity, grounding and more. Listen to these “Sages of the Ages” now!
Good Morning CHD -Naturopathy in Today’s Toxic World
‘The role of naturopathic medicine in today’s toxic world’ is the topic at hand on ‘Good Morning CHD.’ Join Maureen, Amy and guest Joseph Pizzorno, ND, as they dive deep into this subject.
Are Covid Boosters Beneficial for Long Covid Patients?
Are Covid boosters beneficial for Long Covid patients? By Amy Gordon, Co-Director of Millions Against Medical Mandates According to Yahoo Finance, 22 million U.S. adults (including my husband and those with vaccine injury) are living with Long Covid Syndrome. They are on multiple Facebook groups to exchange information, treatments protocols and support for their symptoms/issues. And they have…
Good Morning CHD -Vaccine Risk Awareness — The History Interview with Liz Mumper
Maureen McDonnell, Amy Gordon and Dr. Liz Mumper cover the history of vaccine risk awareness, today, on ‘Good Morning CHD.’ They look through the developments in research, education and outreach in this field.
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